Wilber School Redevelopment Committee

 Meeting Minutes for August 28th, 2006

Amended and Approved September 11th, 2006


Committee Attendees

David DePree  - Chair

Phil Kopel

Michael Baskin

Bob Levin

David Deitz

Marcia Liebman

Craig Edwards

Melissa Mills

David Gordon

Joel Tran

Edward Hershfield

Greg Waugh

Marilyn Kahn


Meeting Initiation

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by David DePree.


Meeting discussion

1.      New Members

v      New WSRC members Ed Hershfield, Phil Kopel, David Dietz and Greg Waugh were all sworn in by the Town Clerk so the committee now consists of 13 members with 7 members required for a quorum.  


2.      Meeting Minutes

v      Liebman/Edwards moved to approve the 8/21 meeting minutes as amended; approved unanimously.


3.      RFP Status

v      Liebman reported that the Selectmen would like to attend the WSRC meetings to discuss the RFP’s responses; Tran had also indicated that they should probably attend. Liebman stated that the Selectmen were given a copy of each of the 5 proposals received.

v      Gordon agreed to prepare an article for the Advocate regarding the 5 submissions received in response to the RFP process.

v      Given the limited amount of time, we want the developer team to be ready to seal the building as soon as abatement is completed. Our goal is to have the submitted proposals evaluated and a recommendation made to the BOS by the end of September. Committee, agreed to meet each Monday in September.


4.      Other Business

v      DePree reported that Colleen Turk requested an interview for community television to review the RFP status. Committee thought it was too soon in the process but thought public relations is a good idea. DePree to contact Tuck.


Next Meeting

September 4th, 7:30 PM, location TBA. (It is noted that this is Labor Day, but, in view of the difficulty finding another meeting day and the limited amount of time, it was decided to meet on this holiday.) Liebman will contact the BOS about making it a joint meeting.


Meeting Adjournment

Liebman/Kahn moved that the committee go into executive session for the purpose of   discussing real property and adjourn the meeting afterwards without going back into open session; passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts